Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Here's a gooey, romantic game of tag.Here's how it works: I will answer questions about Tyrone. At the end of the post, I'll tag 3 people and post their names. Then, those three people can do the same thing on their own blog and so on and so forth. Feel free to do this on your blog anyway - even if you're not tagged!

*What is your husband's name? Tyrone Grant
*How long have you guys been married? 2 1/2 yrs
*How long did you date? 8 months
*How old is he? 39
*Who is taller? definitely him
Who can sing the best? ME!! actually I haven't heard him sing much, he is too busy telling me to stop
*Who is smarter?me again. ( did u say who is smarter or who is always right?)
*Who pays the bills? Me
*Who does the laundry? Usually him! I do help a little...I sort the clothes
*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Him but i sleep on the correct side
*Who mows the lawn? He does. I do sometimes but I dont get the lines straight enough for him
*Who cooks dinner? usually The Pizza Place, Mcdonalds haha...we both cook
*Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? We are both extremely stubborn so neither
*Who kissed who first? it was mutual
*Who wears the pants? Definitely ME!! lol

(thanks Kristen!)
So now I am tagging Tiffannie, Stephanie & Reggie


Stephanie said...

wow!!!! No blogs for EVER and now I had to spend 20 min. catching up! lol It was fun to read. Keep it up. Hope to se eyou soon!

Kristen said...

II thought you were doing it about Jeremy?

Ty enjoying the boat ride on Lake Superior

Ty enjoying the boat ride on Lake Superior

Tyrone in Duluth

Tyrone in Duluth