Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Time...Bah Humbug

I finally gave in! I have been avoiding buying a tree for a couple of years now. Before meeting Tyrone and the girls I had three small trees that i would set up with ribbon and lights and it worked great for my single life! Well for the last couple of years I have been trying to convince everyone else that we don't need a new tree... I finally caved. I dont know why but I am a bit of a scrooge this time of year. Maybe its the fact that i am not a big fan of the cold winter in general or maybe it is just the stress and let down of Christmas that i get caught up in. But I have realized that my irritations of others forgetting the true meaning of Christmas has caused me to forget it also. So last weekend we bought our first Christmas tree as a family! Tyrone and I assembled the tree and then, with a little instruction, the girls decorated it! It was SO much fun! Since Tyrone has been married before we really enjoy all the "firsts" we share as a family! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1 comment:

Holly said...

I LOVE your Christmas tree! and I want those ornaments. It looks way better than ours... and we've been married for nearly 10 years.

Did you get another dog??

It's great to hear what the girls have been up to. Wish we could be there to see Kaitlyn's play and watch Ashley play basketball. Way to go girls!

Ty enjoying the boat ride on Lake Superior

Ty enjoying the boat ride on Lake Superior

Tyrone in Duluth

Tyrone in Duluth